Terms of Service

By purchasing or using Nova Client, you agree to these terms.

"our"/"we"/"us" refers to the owners and operators of this shop (novaclient.xyz, getnovaclient.sell.app)

1. Refunds are optional on our part

When you purchase a product from us, we have no obligation to provide any form of refund. If you have an issue with your product, we will evaluate whether we see the issuing a refund fit for the situation. In some cases we may choose to refund you for your product, but it is our choice and we retain full right to deny a refund for any reason, with or without specifying the reason.

2. You are only purchasing an access key to the client

We sell one product, keys to access the Nova Client Minecraft mod available on ClientLauncher. When you purchase Nova Client, you are purchasing a key redeemable on ClientLauncher to access the client. Your access to the client can be revoked at any time, with or without notice.

3. Updates to our Terms of Service

By agreeing to our Terms of Service, you agree that we can update them at any time see fit, with or without notice, and that by continuing to use Nova client after a Terms of Service update, you agree to the latest terms listed on novaclient.xyz/tos

4. Contact

To contact us, you can submit a contact form at novaclient.xyz/tos